The heartwarming story of British dairy farmer Steve, fave cow Ida and an unruly herd of 55 cows.
Nominated for the Grand Jury prize Sundance 2103, and Best Documentary at British Independent Film Awards
The heartwarming story of British dairy farmer Steve, fave cow Ida and an unruly herd of 55 cows.
Nominated for the Grand Jury prize Sundance 2103, and Best Documentary at British Independent Film Awards
The story of a love of fly fishing and craftsmanship told over one hundred years.
Hardy's of Alnwick were the Rolls Royce of fishing tackle. They were the first company to turn craftsman's art into global industry. From their first tiny shop in the far north of England, they went onto develop an army of fine craftsmen. With their passion, quality and innovation, they conquered the world with Kings, Queens and Maharajahs falling under their spell.
An amazing lost world relived by the master craftsmen of Hardy's, by Jim Hardy, the last of the family and using incredible newly discovered archive films from the days when the rivers really were stuffed full of giant salmon.
Duration 93 minutes
English with optional subtitles in French, German, Japanese and English (hard of hearing)